Starting a New CoDA Meeting

Starting a new meeting of CoDependents Anonymous is easy; just follow the simple steps outlined below:

  1. Review the information on the Starting a Meeting webpage at CoDA World. There is also a pamphlet available entitled Starting A New Meeting containing helpful guidelines and information. It is also recommended that you obtain a copy of the The Fellowship Manual of Co-Dependents Anonymous, which provides important guidelines for service structure and meeting organization. You may also order any other materials, pamphlets and books that you may wish to have available at your meeting.

  2. Find a location for the meeting and work out any necessary rental arrangements and special conditions for use of the space.

  3. Decide on the day, time and duration of the meeting.

  4. Register the meeting with CoDA World. There is a form provided for this purpose in the Starter Packet.  They will assign your meeting a number and list your meeting on the CoDA National Website.

  5. If the meeting is located in the Philadelphia/South Jersey area, please register your meeting with Philadelphia Area Intergroup by following the Meeting Registration link. and we will list your meeting on this website and add it to our mail-out meeting list.

  6. Announce the meeting, keeping in mind the Eleventh Tradition: “Our public relations policy is based on attraction rather than promotion.”. Visit other meetings with the necessary information. Place announcements in counseling centers and hospitals. Check for local newspapers that provide free public service listings.

If you need additional information or assistance, please e-mail us at:

or leave a message at: +1 215.421.5225

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